Also called excavator load moment indicator(NIYANCELL), safe load indicator(SLI). an reflect the height, amplitude, weight, overload and other information on the monitor in real time through the human-computer interaction interface and various sensors, so that the excavator can be effectively used by the operator in a safe range. When the excavator exceeds the allowable safety range, the system will issue an alarm to remind the operator. Suitable for excavators, grabbers, loaders and other equipment.
From year 2011 we offer a very brand new range of most innovative excavator weighing systems. As being manufacturer’s Representative we have many references and satisfied customers with these scales. The new technology based on update electronics reaches never seen functions and features for the new models.

Designed for use in harsh operating conditions, electronics components have an IP54 and IP67 protection class. They are also shock resistance in operation 40 G and can be used on an operating temperature range extends from -40°C to +80°C.

The excavator machine works in remote areas where truck scales are far way and therefore the accuracy of the loads into the trucks has a prime importance, together with the data management sent for invoicing or production assessments directly from the Excavator machines. With helperXE installed onboard you are sure that each bucket is weighed, the load is within the allowed limits, the production is under control, the moved quantity is transmitted remotely for mining haulage analysis and stock inventory. helperXE has been created following VEI twenty years experience on excavator application, the first in 1998. The arms, the bucket and the excavator inclination are controlled by inclination sensors without mechanical moving parts between the arms which can be easily damaged and have a certain wear and tear. With VEI sensors the installation and setup are easy and fast because they can be installed in any arm’s position without constrictions. Try to imagine, instead, if you have to install a sensor directly on the arm’s pivot pin, making sure it is not axially offset and a lever on the adjacent arm that has to make the sensor rotate accordingly while moving, the whole not built by the excavator manufacturer; the VEI sensors advantages are evident. The Software, heart of the helperXE, allows to follow in real time the position of each part and process the weight result in a deterministic and precise way, due to the many settings possibility for controlling different working situations. helperXE manages your load flow for the best production control and sales invoicing. helperXE feature a bright colour display that is unequalled elsewhere in the industry. Visibility in direct sunlight is assured. helperXE takes into consideration incabin space, ergonomics, visibility, ease of use and connectivity, while reducing the amount of componentry. In-cab space is optimised by the innovative design and applied electronics, which have permitted the building of a unique small Device incorporating the printer, when necessary, continuing VEI versatility of the integration as always been in the past. With a worldwide trained network of companies, VEI promises a high level of service and technical backup. NIYANCELL manages your load flow for the best production control and sales invoicing, with a ROI of few months.

NIYANCELL have a variety of installation methods. We can come to site and fully install and calibrate your scales. Alternatively, we can provide instructions and guidance if you choose to self-install or have your machine dealer do the install.

• Fact weight display
• radius display
• height display
• height warning
• weight warning
• overload data record
• Working voltage: DC9-36v;
• Working temperature: -20℃~+70℃;
• Storage temperature: -20℃~+70℃;
• System error: ±3%,
display error: ±5%
• Relay contact capacity: AC220V 3A;
• Protection level: IP65 ;