On-Board Weighing Systems

On-board Weighing Solutions

On-board weighing systems

On-board weighing systems

are used since early ’70-s for mining and transport sector. Weighing system installed onto an Earthmoving machine, or a truck is very important for

• Keeping maximum load in appropriate limits
• Avoiding over-load, avoiding from penalties also from high repair cost of transport vehicles
• Giving correct account between Partners

Weighing systems for Earthmoving machines mainly based on measuring hydraulic pressure of lifting cylinders, and controlling the movement of showel and arms. Wheel loader’s on-board weighing systems separated into two bunch: one is for controlling loads (maybe print out weighing datas), the other is for legalized trading.
Both type operates the same, dynamic weighing system weigh load when closing the bucket of the machine and lifting up boom. Measurements done while lifting no stop needed. The weighed value of material in bucket is shown on the display immediately and usually added to Truck-summary Field. So Operator always in control how much load is loaded into the truck yet.
More features of weighing systems are different, more have special functions for memorizing Truck Plate numbers, Name of Materials, Operator, Shift, etc., give very combined Delivery Note or Invoice, some has very useful safety functions for keeping accuracy when slope load, or cold-temperature is present.


are already known on the market. Most of the Truck producers gives as standard the axle-load weighing. The combined – standard – trailer weighing systems operates hardly bad, the different manufacturer of truck and trailer do not cooperates well by weighing.
The very easy and cheap systems also give some solution for controlling the load of the truck, but mainly the accuracy is so bad that no sense to use them. 2% fault is exactly the margin of the -transport, no one will risk loosing this. Kimax and Outset axle-load control and truck-trailer weighing system not only nice, but mostly very short clearance of costs. Weighing method of truck or trailer weighing system are usually measuring the pressure of air suspension system. The air pressure matches to the load when levelling system is correct. When rigid suspension is present there used loadcells to convert load to measurable values.The configuration of weighing systems depends on the type of the truck or the trailer: when more circuit of levelling valves present there more sensors to be used. That defines also the pricing of the system.


are to measure the current load and capacity of the transported material on the belt.
Usually one or two load cells measure the load of the belt and the integrator counts the speed, calculating the value of.the.load.
Westweigh is the manufacturer (for Extec, Finnlay, Terex, Metso) who combines a very accure and reliable weighing system also as a control system for automatic loading. (eg. Wagons, trucks, etc.).
The strongness of these systems not only the accuracy but the control of the operator staff: the special reports of the minimum capacity, the empty run and the average capacity show clear how operator work in that period.

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